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OneClick Code

Disrupting the roofing industry

OneClick Code has disrupted the roofing market by imagining a new way for roofers, adjusters and insurance carriers to estimate what a roof should really cost. We have helped them bring this vision life through beautiful visual design, product experience and marketing strategy.

Lightning in a bottle

OneClick Code is one of those special businesses that fulfills the magical triad: People, Processes and Tools. It is truly a delight to partner with OneClick and help bring their vision to life. Garrett Kurtt is the Founder and CEO of OneClick Code and has been building his empire in the roofing and property & casualty industries for over the last decade. After successfully founding High Impact Roofing, LLC, he has become an expert in roofing but also as a Claims Adjuster. During this time, Garrett, time and again, kept banging his head against the wall when it came to building codes, permit and roofing estimates. Despite his genius for logistics, he found himself consistently inconvenienced tracking down enforceable building codes, permit requirements and building a rock solid estimate for Insurance Carriers. This is how OneClick Code was born — to build a better mouse trap for identifying how much should a roof really cost. Garrett and his team were able to develop a platform that compiled municipal data for 99.7% of the US. With one click, adjusters and contractors were able to identify sales tax, the jurisdiction having authority, permit and code enforcement and a number of other value adds for constructing roofing estimates.

Messaging & Merchandising

When we first met Garrett, OneClick was at an interesting inflection in the business in that they had a phenomenal platform (Native App, Progressive Web Application) and infrastructure already built. OneClick was effectively giving away their services and Code Reports for free based solely on the goodwill of Garrett and the confidence of how powerful their product was.

So, with 3,000 active users, amazingly innovative software, and a passionate team — it was time to map out a proper merchandising and go-to-market strategy. We kicked off our first engagement in Denver, Colorado, OneClick’s HQ. Our team flew out to Denver for a Strategic Workshop and Discovery session with the purpose of conducting three key workshops:

  1. Business Model Generation & Canvas
  2. Value Prop Canvas
  3. Brand Attributes and User Behavior Analysis

Those three workshops quickly evolved to our team really pressing to map out the ways to take OneClick Code from a free offering to a paid offering. In order to pour rocket fuel on the business, it was time to begin monetizing the product offering, and double the user base.

After 3 days on site, it was clear that chemistry was sound and it was time to get to work.

Our Approach

We realized there was quite a large gap in OneClick’s mission, vision, values and how they connected with their audience. The Business Model Canvas enabled us to really hone in on their Value Propositions and draft a powerful Sales Deck. It was streamlined, actionable, and begin to market OneClick’s core competencies.

From that Sales Deck, we began enhancing the product design and built a super well organized Sketch file of the current product. In addition, our team rallied together to build a successful freemium flow with several facets to begin charging OneClick users, and also refined how we market the value propositions within the App.

Since the initial few months of our partnerships, we have now grown into their Digital Agency of Record handling:

  • Video Creation
  • Platform UI/UX design
  • Messaging and Merchandising
  • Website Design and Development
  • Landing Page and Email template creation
  • Asset development & Clean-up
  • Strategy & Consulting

We also have an active board seat on OneClick’s team.

We're excited to connect.

Webinar Shorten the Sales Cycle at the Top of the Funnel - March 27th

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